College Admissions Services
We are dedicated to unraveling the mystery of college admissions through one-on-one advising suited to your specific needs. Our services are à la carte, charged by the hour, in contrast to pre-priced packages that may include services you may not want. Our fee structure provides the best value!

What We Offer
> Strategies for Presenting Your "Best Self"
> Student-College Matching
> Resume Development
> Emotional Support and Cheerleading
> Essay Guidance for College Applications,
Boarding Schools, Summer Programs,
Merit Scholarships or Graduate Schools

Individualized College Counseling
Our goal is to relieve stress; not add to it! The overriding objective is to reduce anxiety in the college application process within a supportive, relationship developing, atmosphere, which will produce the best work. Services are offered a la carte, but the distinguishing nature of our counseling service is that assistance is customized to fit the specific needs of the client. By providing only the help that is needed, pricing stays reasonable. Guidance is focused on helping the student present his/her "best self" on the application. The major areas of focus are: developing a list of "best fit" colleges, writing an exceptional personalized essay and creating a well-organized resume.
At the time of application, the GPA, standardized test scores, level of coursework and extra-curricular activities have already been determined, so heavy emphasis is placed where the biggest positive impact can be made: the essay(s). The essay is one of the few opportunities left to improve the quality of the application. Essay counseling consists of helping the student determine/discover their best individualized essay topic and a step-by-step editing process which uncovers the client’s authentic (their “voice”) essay. The essay is one of the few ways colleges get to know their candidates, providing an additional format to distinguish yourself from other applicants who may have the same objective qualifications.

Essay Writing
Essays are usually required for colleges, merit scholarships, honors programs, boarding schools and graduate schools. Ellen Martin has worked with students to create their best essays for all these purposes. The “best essay” is the one that tells us most about you; what you’re interested in and why. It shows the reader what makes you unique. What makes you tick? What are your passions? What do you bring to the institution? Why should you be selected over another applicant who looks similar to you in terms of grades, standardized test scores, level of coursework, etc.? We’ll discover all these answers and more, within a supportive working relationship and then put these thoughts onto paper (i.e. “screen!”).